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LIPHATECH pursues investments in its production facilities LT®PROCESS

After the inkjet printers put into service at the beginning of the campaign, the Production Team has just inaugurated the new multihead weigher set up on the soft bait line.
Thanks to this technology, Liphatech improves its service rate and thus the level of customer satisfaction: “Whether by weight or number of units, the linear weighing machine controls the exact quantity that must be packed. Mistakes are no longer possible and the cadence is optimized!” says Jeoffrey Logez.
This €150,000 investment also demonstrates Liphatech’s commitment to the CSR approach. “With the multihead weigher, this is the end of the restrictive and stressful production flux interruptions for line operators,” stresses Frédéric Mercier. «The soft bait line now works in a continuous flow, from recipe manufacturing to the packaging. So there is less handling!” he explains.
Acting as the referent leader, LIPHATECH always seeks to improve.
By investing in new industrial technologies, the company maintains its market lead, increases its customer service rate and improves the working conditions of the Production Team.

Fréderic Mercier is the Production Manager
Jeoffrey Logez is the Production Planning Manager